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SAT SEPT 28, 2013 

6th Floor Carnival! 

FRI OCT 18, 2013

Pumpkin Carving Contest!

Sterling Forrest of Fear team building trip! 

FRI OCT 25, 2013

Ice Skating trip to Wollman Rink in Central Park

FRI DEC 6, 2013 

SAT JAN 4, 2014

MON JAN 6, 2014

FIRST Robotics Kickoff at Stony Brook University 

FIRST Robotics Season begins! 

APR 14-17, 2014 

10th Year Anniversary Trip 

FRI APR 25, 2014

Science Leadership Induction Ceremony 

Welcome Back BBQ for students and parents!

WED AUG 28, 2013 

Aviation High School's Freshman Orientation

WED OCT 23, 2013


“CHARGE!!” shouted The Quantum Samurai team, led by Fiona Lau. The match started and lasted only a few minutes, but the energy our team had was unbelievable. Our constant energy rivaled other team’s cheer-ers for 3 days. Our Team 1601 exemplified sportsmanship when our robot was on or off the field. “We Scored!!!” shouted Brayan Duarte. With his lead, our team jumped from our seats and yelled, boosting our team’s confidence on the field. “Dragons!!” our team shouted. “Roar!!!” they responded. This team, whose robot was playing on the field, had an impressive and unshakeable spirit. With our combined roars, both our teams made the big screen numerous times. To keep the energy high throughout the competition, a conga line was formed! It snaked throughout 3 floors. Best of all, it included a large number of team members from various teams. After countless matches for one day, we reach our hotel. I guess the fun really never ends on the competition trip because we instantly went around room after room, continuing to burn energy with the friends we cherish most. On the third day, the championship games started. The stadium was filled with noise, shouts, music and Frisbees. It was phenomenal.  Awards ceremony came, and the pressure was on. When The Quantum Samurai was called up for the Entrepreneurship Award, the stadium was filled with the excitement of the mighty Samurais! This year we went home with not only the prestigious Entrepreneurship Award, but many unforgettable memories.


Posted July 1, 2013


On the weekend of June 28 - June 30, the Quantum Samurai visited Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) for our annual Robotics Retreat. After a lot of hard work during the season, we all anxiously awaited this vacation.  Upon arrival, our team was given some time to settle into our lodge, before going to lunch. That afternoon, after lunch, we had a program planned for a group of summer camp students. We taught them the basic fundamentals of robotics, and they even got to build their own VEX robot! We ended the night with delicious smores. The next day, after enjoying the amazing breakfast the staff had so kindly prepared for us, we were off to do trail maintenance. Our team was divided into three groups, each with a different task. Watching the different groups play their part, and then witnessing the finished product was remarkable. After lunch, that afternoon, we were scheduled for group building activities. Our team had to work together, problem solve, and figure out how to accomplish the obstacle set in front of us. Without surprise, our team worked well together and breezed through it. That same evening we had our last meeting of the year, the sole purpose of our retreat. Our team got to discuss what we liked about the year, and what we may improve on. The meeting was a huge success and it left all of our members with a sense of anticipation as to what next year's season might bring.


Posted April 6, 2013

A Yale Experience 

Poster on April 22, 2013 

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Posted April 18.2013

On April 18th, a representative from the Red Cross came to Aviation High School, whom the Quantum Samurai presented our purchased AquaSun Water Purifier to. Our team put on a presentation for Chaka, introducing ourselves, what we do, and our future goals for Project H2O. Chaka will personally deliver the water purifier to an orphanage in Zimbabwe this upcoming August. We look forward to purchasing our next purifier soon, and will continue to send at least two every year. 

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