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The electrical team is responsible for creating the electrical board, wiring the electrical board and maintaining all electrical equipment. The electrical equipment is the most expensive equipment given to us in the Kit of Parts (KOP). Damage to the equipment can be very costly. This may lead to the failure of the robot and if we are unable to replace the part, the disqualification of our team from the competition. Therefore, it is imperative that the team take great care of the equipment. 

Electrical And Programming 




This team is responsible for coordinating with the Programming and Design teams to come up with the most practical method for building the robot. The mechanical team MUST read the chapters in the FRC manual relating to the robot. This team builds the chassis, driving mechanism and any active mechanism required for the game. They must also be able to coordinate with industry partners and the safety team to maximize their productivity.



Field And Crate 





Media And Design 






Culture Training, and Community Outreach (CTCO)






Management consist of the board of directiors, which was created as a solution to communicate better with our growing membership, and to promote better communication between the different groups within the Quantum Samurai. Management team is responsible for the Operations Manual, Business Plan, Annual report, letters, essays, community outreach, and the development of The Quantum Samurai. 

The Field and Crate team is responsible for building both the game field and the crate in which to ship the robot. A practice game field allows the team to practice and is critical for the success of the team at the actual competition.

Media and Design takes various images and videos of the different teams in Robotics. Media Design is in charge of creating three videos: A Documentary Video, a Safety Video and the Chairman’s Award Video, which we submit for competition. They are also in charge of managing and designing the team’s website.


The Cooking team is responsible for maintaining member nutrition during a six week stretch where most members simply forget to eat. They are required to work closely with the other members of the team. A good understanding of team demographics would be a benefit to any member of this team. The preparation of meals can become a little complicated if the Quantum Cooks were to ignore the team's many different eating habits and restrictions. They also work as a catalyst for team development and productivity. The Quantum Cooks provide a venue where all of the different aspects of the Quantum Samurai come together. 

This is the newest addition to our organization. This group came about because we wanted to not only maintain the culture of our team but also provide our younger members with an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of robotics. We believe strongly in reaching out to both the local and global communities. In this spirit we felt compelled teach our younger members how to design and implement community outreach projects. 

Art and Design is responsible for all of the artwork that is created by the Spirit team. This team makes sure that our school community is aware of all current projects and team activities.  The members of this team work closely with other teams to perform their duties effectively. This team is also responsible for mascot design.These students are very spirited and energetic and are able to perform well in public.  

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